On Sun, Aug 04, 2019 at 04:30:54PM +0200, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> sent from a phone
> > On 4. Aug 2019, at 15:37, Florian Lohoff <f...@zz.de> wrote:
> > 
> > Their difference is usage. In case of residential its usage is
> > predominantly access to an residential area, whereas the unclassified is
> > for interconnecting residential areas (be it villages).
> for me the access to a residential area is not a residential road, it
> is at least an unclassified road or typically a tertiary road.
> Residential roads are the roads inside the residential area, which are
> not used by through traffic 

Where do you take this assumption from? I have never heard before that
residential may not be used for through traffic?

The opposite is described in highway=residential:


        This tag is used for roads accessing or around residential areas.

        This is a useful guideline if you are not sure whether to use
        residential or unclassified for streets in towns:

            residential – street or road generally used for local traffic within
            unclassified – Unclassified roads typically form the lowest form of
                the interconnecting grid network (below highway=tertiary 
roads). Roads
                serving for interconnection of small settlements. Use 
residential rather
                than unclassified on the road section if there are traffic 
                (such as slower speed limits) or traffic calming features near 
                settlements. (See also highway=unclassified.)

So in case of residential usage, reduced speed limit (city boundary?) or
traffic calming one should rather use residential than unclassified.

I agree that living_street is not for through traffic - thats even in
German legalese.

Florian Lohoff                                                 f...@zz.de
        UTF-8 Test: The 🐈 ran after a 🐁, but the 🐁 ran away

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