On 05.09.19 18:41, Jeremiah Rose wrote:
> Here's a proposal for marking indoor routes within a building mapped with 
> Simple Indoor Tagging. 

I can see some value in mapping routes through a room which is full of
obstacles, but I don't like the idea of using this where a routing graph
could be calculated from indoor=corridor/area/room polygons just fine.
While the slow progress of OSM-based routing engines in this regard is
regrettable, trading extra mapper hours for something that could be
realistically automated always seems wasteful to me.

Of course, if someone feels it's worth spending their time, that's
ultimately up to them and I'm not going to stop them. Even with that in
mind, though, there are some aspects of this proposal which I find
problematic as they might have collateral effects on many other data
consumers besides the ones it's designed to help:

* the lack of a clear statement that this tagging is to be used in
addition to the SIT tags on polygons and should not replace them
* use of highway=footway, rather than a new tag which would have no
effect data consumers which don't opt in
* sharing the same tag for both use cases (hints for routers without
good indoor support which should be ignored by more advanced routing
engines, versus routes which should always be preferred over
automatically derived routes).


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