>I can see some value in mapping routes through a 
>room which is full of obstacles, but I don't like
>the idea of using this where a routing graph 
>could be calculated from indoor=corridor/area/room
>polygons just fine.
>While the slow progress of OSM-based routing 
>engines in this regard is regrettable, trading 
>extra mapper hours for something that could be 
>realistically automated always seems wasteful to me.

Yes, I've thought that this the best way to handle routing with SIT...but is 
this more of a potential solution or research project versus something that can 
be used for indoor routing in the near term. There would be a non-trivial 
amount of work involved, for sure, to add this tagging. It amounts to mapping a 
building in SIT, then going back to map indoor routes. 

The issue of obstacles is big, though. There is a huge number and variety of 
obstacles indoors, both temporary and permanent--everything from sunken floor 
pits to stationary exhibits, all kinds of things. We can make up tags, of 
course, but for the most part I think a lot of this will just not be mapped. I 
think about different kinds of rooms, like a lobby where the best route is a 
straight line from door to door, versus a conference room where there are 
usually varied arrangements of tables or temporary seating that always leaves 
an aisle down the center of the room or around the walls; some of this is 
venue-specific. I work with a lot of travelers who are blind and for whom those 
kinds of decisions are not apparent. For example, a few months ago I guided a 
colleague through a museum that used temporary walls to display artworks within 
a large gallery room (which formed a series of "traps" for him), and changed 
the layout of these walls every few months. They always used a common walkway 
that would be easy to mark, though, and much more feasible to maintain than all 
those movable walls. 

I'll add a statement emphasizing that this is to be used in addition to rather 
than instead of SIT. The points about using highway=footway instead of another 
tag are important ones, and I'll add them to the discussion section.  


>>From: Jeremiah Rose 
>>Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2019 12:41 PM
>>To: tagging@openstreetmap.org; ind...@openstreetmap.org
>>Subject: Feature Proposal - RFC - footway=indoor
>>Here's a proposal for marking indoor routes within a building mapped with 
>>Simple Indoor Tagging. 
>>footway=indoor: indoor pedestrian route
>>Jeremiah Rose

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