Which is likely to cause confusion, because in the United States, an
"international airport" is one that's got customs facilities.  John F.
Kennedy International (New York City's largest airport) and Eckhart
International (a small grass strip near the Idaho-Canada border) are
both considered international airports.


On Tue, 10 Sep 2019 19:10:52 +0900
Joseph Eisenberg <joseph.eisenb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The tag aerodrome=international was meant for airports that have
> regularly scheduled commercial passenger flights to another country.
> On 9/10/19, Chris Hill <o...@raggedred.net> wrote:
> > On 10 September 2019 08:35:42 BST, Joseph Eisenberg
> > <joseph.eisenb...@gmail.com> wrote:  
> >>I've started a new proposal for Key:aerodrome.
> >>
> >>See
> >>https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Key:aerodrome
> >>
> >>This proposal uses aerodrome=* for classification of an
> >>aeroway=aerodrome as an international airport, other commercial
> >>airport, general aviation aerodrome, private aerodrome, or airstrip.
> >>
> >>It would deprecate aeroway=airstrip and aerodrome:type=*
> >>
> >>Values to be approved:
> >>* aerodrome=international         - already common
> >>* aerodrome=commercial          - new tag
> >>* aerodrome=general_aviation  - new tag (default type)
> >>* aerodrome=private                  - already common
> >>* aerodrome=airstrip
> >>
> >>Currently the IATA code is quite helpful for finding commercial
> >>airports which offer scheduled passenger flights, but a few
> >>aerodromes with an IATA code do not have commercial flights.
> >>
> >>It would be helpful to know which airports have international
> >>flights, and the tag aerodrome=international has already been used
> >>over 1000 times.
> >>
> >>aerodrome=airstrip is better than aeroway=airstrip, because an
> >>airstrip is still a type of aerodrome.
> >>
> >>aerodrome=private is already widely used, but I'm also recommending
> >>adding access=*
> >>
> >>Comments? I still need to add some examples.
> >>
> >>- Joseph Eisenberg
> >>
> >>_______________________________________________
> >>Tagging mailing list
> >>Tagging@openstreetmap.org
> >>https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/tagging  
> >
> > Any airfield, no matter how small, can make international flights.
> > I have used an air taxi service from a small, registered airfield
> > to fly from the UK to France. The airfield had no commercial or
> > regular flights, it was used by private pilots for fun (usually
> > termed 'general aviation') and for a few ad-hoc commercial flights:
> > specialist cargo, on-off passenger runs, a base for filming flights
> > etc. Private pilots make international flights from all kinds of
> > airfields all the time, so I'm not sure that's a useful
> > distinction. People generally want to know if they can get a
> > scheduled or charter flight to or from an airport. --
> > Chris Hill
> > ( OSM: chillly)  
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