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> On 18. Sep 2019, at 17:36, Paul Allen <> wrote:
> In simple signage, yes.  But if you asked most people do those signs apply to 
> coaches
> you'd get a variety of answers, because most people think buses and coaches 
> are
> different things (except for long-distance coaches, which are somewhat 
> ambiguous).

ask the drivers, not „most people“, because if the signs don’t apply to you it 
is not important that you know the meaning. I don’t think we should map legal 
situations based on what we think that the majority thinks, but based on the 
legal situation. It should be clear to whom the sign applies, it should be 
coded in law.

It doesn’t matter whether different kind of vehicles are considered different 
„things“ by the people, we should have tags to unambiguously describe the legal 
situation and the vehicle classes that the law distinguishes.

Cheers Martin 
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