Am Do., 10. Okt. 2019 um 12:41 Uhr schrieb Andrew Harvey <>:

> That sounds very similar to
> which let's you
> determine when you can cross that dividing line when tagged as a single
> undivided way.

overtaking is a different issue, because it does not say whether you can
cross a dividing line, it says whether you can overtake another vehicle
(there may be sufficient space within the same lane or no road markings at
all, but you still cannot overtake when there is an overtaking restriction,
and you can overtake even with an uninterrupted divider when there is no
overtaking restriction, as long as you do not cross the divider line. At
least this is the legal situation in some countries where I am familiar
with the rules, not sure about the UK.

The overtaking flag does not say anything about implicit turning
restrictions anyway, so it really governs different situations.

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