On Thu, 2019-10-10 at 15:51 +0200, Peter Elderson wrote:
> Why would it be inferior? Visually, you mean? Or would navigational
> problems arise? There already exist roads with some parts physically
> separated halves and other parts combined halves, does that give
> problems?
> Mvg Peter Elderson

For example if you try to create a routing advice for a car journey.
Let's say that the journey starts at Main street number 10 and that
Main street is a two way street where the two directions are legally
separated. Let's say that number 10 is on the right-hand side of the
road and we are in a country that drives on the right side. Let's
further say that the shortest way to the destination would be to cross
the legal separation and take left. But that would be illegal. But
there is no way the routing engine could know that. Unless the two
directions are separated.

> > Op 10 okt. 2019 om 15:01 heeft Snusmumriken <
> > snusmumriken.map...@runbox.com> het volgende geschreven:
> > 
> > > On Thu, 2019-10-10 at 08:38 +0200, Frederik Ramm wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > DWG has been asked to mediate in a user dispute in Germany where
> > > a
> > > local
> > > mapper has chosen to represent a busy four-lane primary highway
> > > (two
> > > lanes in each direction, and a double continuous line painted in
> > > the
> > > middle which is physically possible but legally not allowed to
> > > cross).
> > > 
> > > Other mappers object to this saying that it violates the rule
> > > that
> > > there
> > > must be some sort of physical division to allow that form of
> > > mapping.
> > > 
> > > The original mapper claims that using two separate oneway=yes
> > > ways is
> > > clearer and easier, as it does away with the need for turn
> > > restrictions
> > > at junctions. Other mappers claim that the two-separate-way
> > > mapping
> > > is
> > > violating rules and that OSM will soon become unusable if
> > > everyone
> > > maps
> > > how they want.
> > > 
> > > The question is basically two-fold; one, what are the established
> > > standards and rules concerning this situation,
> > 
> > I don't think that there are any rule that would say "legal
> > separation
> > => shared way". I also think that such a rule would lead to an
> > inferior
> > map.
> > 
> > 
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