On Nov 19, 2019, at 6:53 AM, Richard <ricoz....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Other than that, "dyke_area" or "area:dyke" in analogy to 
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:area:highway ?

I think dykes/levees are made of inner and outer embankments, and pairing them 
might be the only way to do it properly. 

Whatever is decided for embankments (I will work on some examples today) I 
think a levee/dyke will have to be a relation of *some* sort (built on top of 
the existing man_made=dyke tag) - either a relation of this way plus: 
- 4 “levee lines (inner&outer top+bottom)
- 2 embankments+ 2 embankment_area polygons
- 4 embankment lines. 

Mapping them as a total area (lower inner to lower outer) with a single polygon 
with the man_made=dyke as the “top” down the middle is unacceptable to me. The 
“top” is often a mappable area (with large levees worthy of this detail). If it 
big enough to need this detail, it has a pretty large and varying top area as 
well (as examples have shown). 

Also, The ship has sailed on “levee” - the term in OSM is dyke. 


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