Am Di., 26. Nov. 2019 um 09:30 Uhr schrieb Volker Schmidt <

> Graeme, please mark the page as proposal.
> I am not at all happy with "berm". It is unfortunately a term used for a
> number of different things all related to earthworks.
> What is missing in OSM are clean-cut mapping possibilities for (slopped)
> earth walls  and for (one-sided) slopes.
> Berm is neither of the two. In addition the main and original meaning of
> berm is a step in the slope of an earth wall. See the first diagram in the 
> German
> Wikipedia page for Berme. <>
> This photo
> <> shows
> one of the objects that I would like to map properly: A river levee with
> two berms.

I agree the term seems to be mainly describing a horizontal, linear narrow
area within an embankment (German usage of the term "Berme", which
originates from French). This is also what I found in the oxford online
dictionaries, and what wikipedia en has as first meaning:

Generally, proposals should be set up in the proposal namespace.

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