On 1/11/2020 7:13 PM, Jarek Piórkowski wrote:

On Sat, 11 Jan 2020 at 18:18, Jmapb via Tagging
<tagging@openstreetmap.org>  wrote:
- It was originally a vehicle route but was changed to pedestrian with
painted bike and foot lanes. For motor vehicles, only emergency and
specifically permitted delivery traffic is allowed.
- It was *always* one-way, and the one-way signs are still there.
Bicycles and permitted motor vehicles are required to follow the one-way
- Pedestrians can move in either direction, and this is explicitly
indicated by painted marks in the pedestrian lane. (Thus there's a
oneway:foot=no tag, and it's worth noting that OSRM respects oneway:foot
and routes pedestrians "backwards" but GraphHopper does not.)
That's a good counterexample - thanks.

I was thinking of a somewhat similar example of Stanley Park Seawall
in Vancouver, which is also one-way for cyclists, but is mapped with
separate ways for footway and cycleway. However the Seawall has a
physical separation in form of a small curb between the two modes, so
that's defensible. From Esri imagery it looks like Prospect Park ways
are separated by mode only with paint, so having separate ways for the
modes is not as elegant or arguably correct.

So it looks like we will indeed need a new tag to specify one-way-ness
for pedestrians.

Correct, the Prospect Park drives have paint separating the lanes, but
nothing physical. So mapping separate ways would be unorthodox.

Personally, I have no problem with oneway=yes having different
implications depending on the value of the highway key. In general I
would expect the oneway value to align the predominant use of the
highway in question.

More specifically:

 - I would expect a oneway=yes tag apply to foot traffic on footway.
 - I would also expect a oneway=yes tag to apply to foot traffic on
pedestrian, path, and cycleway -- unless explicitly nullified with a
oneway:foot=no tag.
 - I would not expect a oneway=yes tag to apply to foot traffic on
track, service, unclassified, residential, or any larger roadway, unless
made explicit with a oneway:foot=yes tag.

Of course I understand that from a data consumer's point of view it's
irritating when a tag has different meanings in different contexts --
especially if these differences are not formally documented.


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