+1 landcover

+1 on a hierarchy index and a well and a thoughtful methodology.

landuse, should describe more the use of the land.

For example:
A road, this include the footway, cycleway, the verge, the barriers, 
traffic_islands, the trees.
The verge, that is a part of the use, landuse=highway, the area is 
area:highway=verge, landcover=grass, landcover fits in nicely. And how it is 
managed can be set.
The hedge as, a separation between road parts, can be a part of 
landuse=highway, area:barrier=hedge, hedge_type=? landcover=shrubbery/or else, 
species. And how it is managed can be set.
The hedges on traffic_island, roundabouts, is a part of the landuse=highway , 
is a part of a area:highway=traffic_island, is the area:barrier=hedge, 
hedge_type=? landcover=shrubbery/or else, species.
The same for flowerbeds, etc.
The apron at a roundabout. 
At the end all parts must be named.
greenery versus shrubbery, is it the same or is the one a part of the other? 
hierarchy thinking.
From: Peter Elderson 
Sent: Sunday, February 9, 2020 11:59 AM
To: Tag discussion, strategy and related tools 
Subject: Re: [Tagging] Tagging small areas of bushes, flowers, non-woody 
perennials, succulents, etc

The landcover key covers this nicely. 

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