
On Fri, May 29, 2020 at 04:10:42PM -0600, Mike Thompson wrote:
> I know we just had a similar discussion, but I am discovering more and more
> cases where mappers have changed every dirt road they can find to
> "highway=track".  For example, it looks like all of the dirt roads in the
> area of this way: https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/17051445 have been
> changed to "highway=track", when at least most of them should be
> "highway=residential."  What can be done to better communicate that OSM has
> a functional highway classification system (I did leave a change set
> comment, but I doubt it will do any good)?

I am fighting for this now 10+ years and its a hard fight. I live in the
countryside and regularly people show up, retagging everything to track.
Most of the times its people living far away in pretty urban areas.

I found the description of what a track is good. All osm wiki articles
for highways classes miss the point "When does this _not_ apply".

For tracks i have simple criteria when it cant be a track:

- residential buildings (or used for reaching them)
- (school) buses
- garbage collection trucks
- postal services

If anything is seen on that road it cant be a track. A track is defined
as a road for exclusive or mostly agricultural usage. So as soon as
there is a single residential building the amount of traffic for that
building outweights the amount of agricultural traffic by orders.

So a farms driveway is also not a track.

Florian Lohoff                                                 f...@zz.de
        UTF-8 Test: The 🐈 ran after a 🐁, but the 🐁 ran away

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