On 5/6/20 10:46 am, Greg Troxel wrote:

Sure.  I tend to think that if something is semantically sensible and
can be represented, it's good to tag it, and then rendering is another
story.  I think pretty much everyone agrees that landuse=residential and
natural=wood are both sensible to represent.  And that how they ought to
be rendered in a general purpose landuse/landcover style is much less

Rendering is another area.

My view: the render has to decide what is more 'important' - land cover or land 
use and then how to each group.

I note how the land use military is mapped - strips so the land cover under it 
could be seen. If all land use were map similarity then that could work.

Alternatively land cover could be represented as a symbol like tree areas 
symbol. Loose the background colours for all land covers and use symbols.
Land uses would then be solid covers. Does not work for wwater so I think this 
would lead to more problems.

I think I prefer the land use mapped as less 'important' - thus land cover gets 
solid colours...

Whatever the renders decide we should map what is there, residential with or 
without trees, grass, flowers, scrub, whatever.

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