On 29/5/20 8:01 am, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging wrote:

May 28, 2020, 23:54 by stevea...@softworkers.com:

    "treed farmland" or "heavily wooded residential" prove slightly
    problematic to OSM tagging.

Map tree-covered area (landuse=forest) and map farmland (landuse=farmland) or
residential (landuse=residential).

Yes, the same area may be tree covered and residential at the same time.

Yes, "tree-covered area" meaning for landuse=forest mismatches strict meanning
of bot landuse and forest.

I differ.

I would use natural=wood for the tree coverage.

Then there is no conflict with a landuse tag.

And natural=wood does mean tree covered ... and the key natural incorporates 'non natural' i.e things altered or managed by man.

The key landuse should be to used describe the primary use of land by humans, not the land cover but it's use.

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