On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 1:55 PM Jack Armstrong <jacknst...@sprynet.com>

> From: Clifford Snow
> If we were to follow your logic, then every level crossing at the
> intersection of railways and highways should not be tagged as a
> level_crossing because of the rule "one feature, one OSM element."
> Well, again, my personal preferences are not germane to this thread. I'm
> not shy about expressing my opinions, it's just I'm not trying to politic
> for a certain style of mapping in this case.
> In this matter, whichever method of mapping that is decided upon by the
> OSM community is fine with me. I'm simply concerned with the wiki page
> meshing with the approved sidewalk proposal. I'm not in favor of the
> approved proposal from 2011 nor am I against it. I'm simply keen to have
> the wiki and the proposal mesh correctly. My personal preferences are not
> relevant to a decision made back in 2011. I am not proposing any changes
> other than having the wiki and the 2011 proposal mesh accurately.
> Reading the wiki page on one feature per OSM element, it starts off with 
> *Ideally,
every OSM element or object should be tagged with only one main feature
tag, to represent a single on-the-ground feature.* I read this as there are
exceptions. Unfortunately when this was written, sidewalks as separate ways
weren't even thought of. However at the time of the writing of the wiki,
level_crossings were. Looking at the discussion history, this issue never
came up. Please note that I didn't go back to look at the mailing list
conversation. Clearly level crossings tag would appear to violate the
policy. I'm happy to read that ideally there should be one main feature tag
to describe a feature but there are exceptions. I would suggest that the
one feature per element page needs to include a couple of exceptions to the


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