Am Fr., 19. Juni 2020 um 23:15 Uhr schrieb Joseph Eisenberg <>:

> As mentioned on the proposal page, there are 4 criteria, which all qanat
> features share:
>    - The immediate source of water is groundwater (aquifer or well), not
>    a spring, stream or river

a spring is groundwater as well.

>    - Water flows by gravity in free flow (not pressurized or pipe flow)
>    - The channel is underground, minimising evaporation
>    - Construction and maintenance is through vertical shafts, which are
>    then visible on the surface

if there are parts that are in pipes, will the qanat be interrupted? If
vertical shafts are not present, it is not a qanat (e.g. short enough to
not require these shafts)?

> The short definition of the tag will be "A gently-sloping man-made
> underground channel for transporting groundwater via gravity, with shafts
> visible from the surface."

my suggestion would be to add a "typically" before "with shafts visible
from the surface", because it would seem strange to need a different main
tag just because the shafts aren't visible for one reason or the other
(e.g. hidden on purpose)

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