Yes, definitely. We used accuracy=* for this in the past, although I see it
is now a bit overloaded. accuracy:meters=* and location:accuracy=* both
seem to be widely used.

All of them should be interpreted as meters by default (i.e.,

Also be advised that you should not mark the theoretical best accuracy here
- you should mark the approximate accuracy of the given measurement as
returned by the instrument in the given instant. It could easily revert to
an imprecise result if it momentarily loses its signal or data connection.

On Tue, Jul 21, 2020 at 1:11 PM Allroads <> wrote:

> There is data, what is measured.
> With RTK GNSS, there is 1cm accuracy possible.
> Should we tag this mapped data, so that we know the accurancy level of
> this data?
> Greetings Allroads.
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