On 25/07/2020 07.06, Andy Townsend wrote:
Why do people in OSM map anything?  I can't see any reason why I'd want to add urban buildings, or comprehensive address data, or a whole bunch of other things that people think are _really important_.

How are addresses _not_ important? If I'm trying to find 123 Cherry Lane, I really, really appreciate if that entity actually exists in OSM.

I guess I don't know what you mean by "comprehensive".

As for buildings, I know you meant that as a rhetorical question, but I have a fascinating perspective I hope you'll forgive me if I share. I'm working on traffic simulation, and one of the problems is creating realistic waypoints. To do this, I either have to specify start and stop points manually (a huge amount of work that is of no benefit outside a particular simulation), or make educated guesses based on knowing where things like offices and houses are. I also need to guesstimate *how many* people will leave a particular house, or travel to a particular office. If buildings are present and fully tagged as to their purpose, I can not only decide what category they should be in, I can also use their square footage to estimate their occupancy.

See? Urban buildings are *useful* to me! :-)

Someone else recently posted that having the buildings *and their material composition* tagged is useful for planning purposes for folks going around trying to kill malaria-carrying mosquitoes.

(Yes, that means I may need to model the buildings, but at least all that work makes the map better and might be useful to someone else.)

For me, it's probably power lines that seem useless, but someone else probably has a use case where having those mapped is really helpful. (Maybe someone planning to buy a house wants to know, without having to drive there, if there are high-voltage power lines nearby?)


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