You really need to stop calling people's edits "fake". It's disrespectful.
You're not in a position to determine whether my edits were estimation or
actually fictitious data.

It's an especially shitty thing to email me privately to lob personal
attacks at me after it becomes clear the community here doesn't share your

Please do not email me or privately message me anymore. If you have
anything to say about me or my work from now on, you can say it in a public


On Tue, Aug 11, 2020 at 3:32 PM <> wrote:

> i have to reply,
> and yes i can fix the system that till has the signs.
> but even then the guy driving does not see it that way.
> the stops are fake because that is not the way the it works here thus a
> fake map.
> Tuesday, August 11, 2020 12:53 PM -05:00 from Clay Smalley <
> What exactly is your point here? If nobody is responding to your
> complaints, perhaps they aren't worth responding to. Repeating the same
> complaints to the same group of people won't change that.
> Are you worried that incorrectly-mapped stop positions endanger people's
> safety?
> We've pointed out concrete steps you can take to improve these
> initially-mapped stop positions. If mapping stop positions accurately is
> important to you, why not take responsibility for improving them?
> -Clay
> On Tue, Aug 11, 2020 at 8:48 AM 80hnhtv4agou--- via Tagging <
> <//>> wrote:
> this is missing my original talk.
> IN the chicago area we have 3 railway company’s operating the system, and
> one had signs left up from the old days
> which in watching the train come into that stations platform did not stop
> at the sign based on the number of cars + the
> diesel engines or engines. which could be 5, 6, 7, or 8 cars, we stop at 8
> here. 1 or 2 engines.
> i should say more here, 1.who is driving the train, 2.what co. does he
> work for, long is the train,
> long is the platform, 5 what is the time of day, am rush, pm rush,
> midday, evening. 6. out of all the cars what are
> being used, open, 7. weekend, or week day, 8.raining or snowing, 9.end of
> the line, the platform so short
> that only 2 cars will fit. the train pushing or pulling. (it does
> not work here you can not tag all 400 platforms the same.)
> Monday, August 10, 2020 10:51 PM -05:00 from Warin <
> <http:///compose?>>:
> On 11/8/20 1:11 pm, 80hnhtv4agou--- via Tagging wrote:
> the train or trains do not stop where he says they do,
> Do they stop at the platform? Yes.
> So stop positions maybe mapped.
> and i am talking about 400 +,
> unverified platforms. which is 200 + stations,
> Unverified? Verified by the existing signs? This maybe 'out of date' but
> still verifiable.
> How 'inaccurate' are the present stop positions?
> How precise is the mapped position required?
> Were there stop positions there before?
> Is it not better to have some indication rather than nothing?
> "They will stay there for ever".... unless someone improves them.
> Monday, August 10, 2020 9:33 PM -05:00 from Warin <>:
> On 11/8/20 9:25 am, 80hnhtv4agou--- via Tagging wrote:
> one of the points that i talked about, that no one has answered yet is
> what about someone not local
> who just puts 400 + unverified stops on platforms and there all wrong.
> If you find something wrong - correct it.
> If the things mapped are deceitful, malicious etc then report it to the
> DWG to prevent more of the same.
> If the things mapped are better than what was there before then I would
> call them improvements and thus beneficial, no point in being upset by it.
> Being local is not a requirement to map, get over it. Local knowledge is
> beneficial as it aids mapping things that have local characteristics - like
> where trains stop
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