Unless it was discussed here in the tagging list, I couldn't find any
discussion on the wikis.
It really doesn't make sense, since a resort is always first and
foremost a hotel or accommodation of some sort aimed at tourists.
Although it has a leisure component, that's not the main element,
otherwise it would be a theme park.

Using the Google translator, in the discussion page it reads:
"In at least 3 European countries such aerea are referred to as a resort
and the proposed alternatives are definitely wrong or misleading. So an
XXX resort on the map is a resort and not an amusement park. This notice
should go away."

Às 22:34 de 11/09/2020, Graeme Fitzpatrick escreveu:

On Sat, 12 Sep 2020 at 09:54, António Madeira <antoniomade...@gmx.com
<mailto:antoniomade...@gmx.com>> wrote:

    I agree that a resort should be with tourism, but I really don't
    know the reasons that made tourism=resort to be deprecated
    (couldn't find any discussion about it).

Only "reason" that I can see mentioned is that leisure= is used more
than tourism=, but it doesn't appear to have been discussed anywhere?



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