In Nederland, the zebra is a very clear and specific type of crossing with
legal rules including yield to pedestrians walking on or even toward the

I think this will continue to be the case even after Europe leaves the
British Union.

Vr gr Peter Elderson

Op do 17 sep. 2020 om 20:12 schreef Matthew Woehlke <>:

> On 17/09/2020 13.44, Tod Fitch wrote:
> >> On Sep 17, 2020, at 9:30 AM, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> >> On 17/09/2020 10.07, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:
> >>> On 9/17/20 08:15, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> >>>> It's also atrocious because it can *only* be verified by survey. As
> >>>> much as we prefer surveys, the reality is that a lot of mapping
> >>>> happens just from aerials, where crossings (both marked and, in some
> >>>> cases, unmarked) can be seen, but signals cannot.
> >>> I have mapped many traffic signals (and, for that matter, stop and
> yield
> >>> signs) based on shadows visible on the satellite photos. If you look
> >>> carefully enough (Bing and Mapbox Satellite at least), they are there.
> >>> (Local knowledge helps too in some cases.)
> >>
> >> *Traffic* lights I can buy. I am more suspicious of the claim that
> >> you can tell whether they have pedestrian crossing signals or not,
> >> or that you can reliably identify other signage based solely on
> >> outline. *Maybe* if you get lucky and have a very clear shadow at
> >> the right angle, but if you try to tell me you can identify
> >> (n.b. a yield sign)
> >> from a shadow in aerial imagery, I am going to be deeply suspicious
> >> ;-).
> >
> > Not from the signs or shadows of the signs, but in my area the
> > pavement markings can often tell you if it is a stop or yield. Some
> > times it is easy (“STOP” or “YIELD” painted on the pavement). But it
> > seems that newer road work uses a different style limit line for a
> > stop versus yield.
> Ah, that's fair; I was under the impression we were talking about
> *signs*. Possibly because most of the yields I see are to yield to other
> *vehicles*, not pedestrians. (I *have* seen "yield to pedestrians", now
> that I think about it, but not sure I've ever seen *lane markings* where
> it's clear that what you are supposed to yield for is pedestrians. Other
> than crosswalks, anyway. Which... makes me wonder if
> "crossing=uncontrolled" is even correct; even more reason to not use
> that! My understanding was "uncontrolled" meant by traffic signals, but
> now I'm not so sure.)
> I've tagged some yields based on lane markings myself, e.g.
> > Back to the original topic: I am not really sure what, if any, the
> > US version of a “zebra" crossing is versus a “marked” crossing. So I
> > usually just tag as “marked” as that seems to be the more generic
> > item.
> Likewise. Even the wiki notes that this is unclear "outside the UK" (as
> I previously observed).
> > The crossing you linked to *might* be an example of a US “zebra”
> > crossing. Can anyone verify that for me. Also, there are no tags on
> > the intersection node itself. Should there be? I have assumed that
> > there should so that vehicle based navigation would have the
> > information needed to advise the driver of particular type of
> > crossing ahead.
> As I understand it, yes, and I've tagged that in other places (e.g. the
> above example). I actually have no idea why that node is marked as a
> yield; I don't think there's actually a yield there, but I'm hesitant to
> just delete it (even though apparently I'm the one that added it).
> Unfortunately I can't go survey it right now. (Have to try to remember
> to do that when/if I ever make it back to that Cracker Barrel :-).)
> --
> Matthew
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