On 19/10/2020 16.01, Justin Tracey wrote:
It's the same reason we want
discourse on lists like this one to be friendly and amicable: it should
be obvious to anyone outside looking in that contributing and
participating in OSM is *enjoyable*, and they should feel welcome
joining in.

...and the irony is that most of what the SJW agenda accomplishes is to polarize and inflame the issues, having the exact *opposite* effect as encouraging harmony and inclusiveness (not to mention the hypocrisy of being inimically opposed to "conservatives").

If core aspects of the tagging schema give hints at a bias
towards a particular segment of the population (in this case,
English-speaking men)

So, clearly, we need to change the language of OSM tags to loglan. Oh, wait, that would *still* be biased.

The idea that you can make everyone happy is a delusion (source: John Lydgate (disputed)). All we're seeing right now is that the SJW crowd are making the most noise. The real issue is groups — *ANY* groups — trying to force their ideology down other's throats and decide what opinions are "allowed" and what aren't.

What needs to stop isn't "intolerance" (the SJW agenda isn't about eliminating intolerance — quite the opposite! — but about replacing one flavor with another), it's the inability to agree to disagree. Groups should feel welcoming even to people with different opinions, rather than vilifying anyone who disagrees with the group.


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