I am not a fan of deprecating
pump=manual and replacing it with nearly impossible to remember and less clear

Also, this proposal deprecates pump=powered without providing replacement

Now to tag this info one is supposed to select value from

and no way to tag equivalent of pump=powered is provided.

Mapper may be uninterested in or unable to get info about technical detail,
but they should be still able to tag info that pump is not manually operated.

Nov 19, 2020, 20:05 by fl.infosrese...@gmail.com:

> Hi all
> Tonight I'm pleased to announce the start of voting for the tagging proposal 
> about pumps
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Pumping_proposal
> A lot of comments lead us to an interesting tagging for pumps devices, water 
> wells and wind pumps. Thank you to anyone involved in this review.
> Some values are proposed to be deprecated as to classify pumps according to 
> their technologies and capabilities.
> Several contributors tested the proposed tags in real conditions and no 
> problem seems to remain.
> Feel free to give your opinion until December 3
> All the best
> François

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