On 1/12/20 7:46 am, Andrea Mazzoleni wrote:

    I recently wrote a series of diary entries about my experience
    with the accuracy of one-device GPS precision. I concluded with a
    comparison of three devices I had personal experience with
    including a new Garmin GPSMAP 66sr which I posted here:

Very interesting!

Here you can find the mapping of my tests with GPSMAP 65s and eTrex 30x:


It's a circular trail repeated 5 times with one point every second.

I repeated it again with the recording frequency set to Auto, and the GPSMAP lost a bit in accuracy, so better to stick to one point every second.

Think your confusing two terms;



With increased points along a way there is increased resolution.

The accuracy does not follow with increased number of points unless they are all for the same location so averaging those points reduces noise thus increasing accuracy.

On Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 3:45 PM Lindsay Barnes <newsspea...@gmail.com <mailto:newsspea...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    I recently wrote a series of diary entries about my experience
    with the accuracy of one-device GPS precision. I concluded with a
    comparison of three devices I had personal experience with
    including a new Garmin GPSMAP 66sr which I posted here:

    In short, multi-band and multi-GNSS devices do offer in an
    increase in precision and accuracy and we're seeing this become
    more common in a standard smartphone. However, that level of
    precision is not necessary in most cases. It is most helpful in
    areas without good satellite imagery coverage or where imagery
    lacks reference points (like in wooded trail areas, as mentioned).
    This is compounded by the fact that one GPS device has a floor to
    how accurate it can be due to the nature of the system and
    interference from the natural landscape, as was mentioned.
    Furthermore, mult-band and mult-GNSS chips are becoming more
    common in smartphones and I would expect this level of precision
    available to most mappers without the need for specialty equipment
    over the next 5-ish years.

    To answer your question about tags, a comment can be added in the
    source field of a changeset, but in my opinion most mappers will
    not dig too deep into a change to determine how precise the mapper
    may have been . Satellite imagery is generally used as the source
    of truth and if a mapped feature varies substantially from the
    imagery, mappers are inclined to move the feature to match imagery
    without researching how the feature was initially created. The
    good news is that if satellite imagery in unclear or lacks
    reference marks, mappers will usually leave features alone unless
    they have personal knowledge of an area or are working off a
    tasking manager.

    On Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 8:36 AM Andrea Mazzoleni
    <amadva...@gmail.com <mailto:amadva...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        On Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 12:27 PM Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com
        <mailto:61sundow...@gmail.com>> wrote:

            If the intention is to indicate the
            error/accuracy/uncertainty then tag/state that. The better
            GPS devices give indications of this

        The big advantage of the dualband is not (only) the increase
        in accuracy but the ability to work in not optimal conditions,
        like under a clif or other obstacles where you have reflected
        GPS signals.

        To give you an example, my eTrex device reports 3m of
        precision, the new GPSMAP 65s reports 1.8m.
        But reality is that I saw errors up to 50m with the eTrex.
        It's also difficult to know the precision because it changes
        while moving, and it's not recorded in the track.

            If possible take tracks of home to/from work and compare
            them to see how much they vary day to day ... they should
            give an idea of problem.

        I bought that new device exactly due the frustration of always
        seeing a different recording...

        My initial tests are really encouraging. Yesterday I repeated
        10 times a trail under the woods of a hill, comparing the
        results of the eTrex and GPSMAP 65s, and the dualband one has
        the recorded tracks a lot more consistent. Something like 10m
        vs 2m thickness.

            imagery may well be better than survey by consumer GPS

        I agree. Where an image is available I always use it as
        reference. But most of the trails of my local area are under
        the woods (low mountain) and the GPS is the only source of

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