As long as your frost heave conforms to verifiability guidelines by being
a) signposted (possibly)
b) fenced off, with a sign (no, because it's in the road)
c) a government-declared hazardous area (no)

I'm concerned that this hazard tagging proposal will encourage subjective
tagging over what constitutes a 'hazard'.

On Thu, Dec 3, 2020 at 7:49 PM Brian M. Sperlongano <>

> I'd think that frost heaves (which are seasonal and conditions-based)
> versus permanent bumps are different.  If there aren't objections, I'd
> propose both a hazard=bump (which has a few trace uses) and a new value
> hazard=frost_heave to cover frost heaves specifically.
> On Thu, Dec 3, 2020 at 2:37 PM Adam Franco <> wrote:
>> *hazard=frost_heave, hazard=bump?*
>> One of the common road hazards I encounter and would like to tag are
>> large frost heaves that occur at consistent locations every year. A few
>> roads in my region like VT-17 and NY-8 have poor roadbeds and get damaged
>> by frost heaves the first winter after repaving. These roads often have
>> several hundred yards of nice smooth and fresh pavement, then 2"-8" frost
>> heaves with cracks that reappear in the same places year after year.
>> Some examples:
>>    - VT-17: section A
>>    <>, section B
>>    <> (with
>>    "BUMP" sign), section C
>>    <>
>>    - NY-8: section A
>> <,-74.120767,3a,75y,60.66h,62.7t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s8wGqO4YlGLPO2JfLpTG7ug!2e0!7i13312!8i6656>,
>>    section B
>> <,-74.1233648,3a,75y,41.82h,60.46t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sWntAQT_Hwb2BVYwM5shNRg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656>
>> This has been previously mentioned in an OSMUS Slack thread
>> <> in regard
>> to smoothness=*, but tagging particularly bad (and often permanent)
>> heaves may be preferable as other sections of the roadway may be smooth and
>> freshly paved.
>> Signage on these tends to be inconsistent, often using phrasing like
>> "BUMP", "CAUTION: FROST HEAVE", "FROST HEAVE AHEAD", or other similar
>> phrases. In some locations the signs are permanently mounted, while other
>> locations get folding signage. As these are point features with varying
>> placement of signage, I would suggest mapping them as nodes on a roadway at
>> the heave position with something like hazard=frost_heave.
>> Alternatively, hazard=bump may be applicable to other situations
>> worldwide for dangerous bumps caused by something other than freeze/thaw
>> cycles.
>> Best,
>> Adam
>> On Wed, Nov 25, 2020 at 8:27 AM Brian M. Sperlongano <
>>> wrote:
>>> Comment is requested on the proposal "hazard", which describes hazardous
>>> or dangerous features.  This tagging was first proposed in 2007, and I have
>>> adopted the proposal with permission from the original author.  Thanks to
>>> the various folks that assisted in the development of this proposal prior
>>> to this RFC.
>>> The key "hazard" has achieved over 28,000 usages, and it is proposed to
>>> formalize usage of the most popular values of this key while deprecating
>>> less-popular synonyms.  In addition, this proposes to deprecate
>>> protect_class=16 in favor of the hazard key.
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