On Sep 25, 2022, at 3:00 PM, Georg <georg2...@nurfuerspam.de> wrote:
> stevea wrote Sun Sep 25 2022 00:43:53 GMT+0200
> > Is tracktype=grade1 surface=compacted a valid combination?
> while the EN wiki page https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:tracktype
> does not explicitly exclude it but "only" strongly suggests it by
> telling "Usually a paved surface (called also  Sealed road)" for grade1
> and "Usually an unpaved track with surface of gravel", the DE wiki page
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Key:tracktype tells (translated
> by me) "waterproof surface" and thus explicitly excludes the combination.
>> Please allow me to add that what I'll call grade1 which ISN'T truly paved 
>> (or once was), but is essentially surface=compacted, is a distinctly 
>> different kind of road when it is wet, muddy or actively raining (at least 
>> for such tracks/roads around here).  These become pretty slick and even 
>> "iffy" to drive upon (especially with > about 3% or 4% slope)
> Exactly this is one major reason why I consider most surface=compacted
> to not not qualify for tracktype=grade1.

I'm glad to see you explicitly state this distinction in the DE: wiki, Georg.  
I think that is helpful to understand a specific difference between how in the 
USA, there are / might continue to be highways tagged tracktype=grade1 + 
surface=compacted, EVEN IF rain / wet weather makes this road substantially 
poorer quality.  Whereas in Germany (and greater Europe?) this sort of road 
might distinctly fall down to tracktype=grade2 + surface=compacted, precisely 
because grade2 signifies "not paved or sealed in any way" and to a somewhat 
lesser extent, as it is implied, not explicit, "far reduced road quality in wet 

As I said earlier, and as I've found in OSM across different countries / 
continents, there do seem to be and will seem to be "regional variations" like 
this.  The wiki using words like "usually" might encourage this, but it also 
"encompasses" it, as we're not very likely to get "perfection" with tracktype=* 
grades across the whole world.  Best practice seems to be denoting this in our 
respective wikis, which we appear to be on track doing so now.
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