On 3/10/22 21:37, martianfreeloader wrote:
Thank you all for the many insightful replies to my question!

What I've learnt so far:

1) A feature is something in the physical world. This is well documented in the wiki: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Features

2) There is no such thing as a "primary feature".

3) The terms "main key", "primary key" and "feature tag" are synonymous, except for the tag/key distinction.

4) None of the above terms is official OSM terminology.

5) None of these terms is well documented in the wiki.


It looks like a couple of things would be good to get done:

A) We should get rid of the term "primary feature" in the wiki page https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Map_features

B) It would be useful if we agree on *one* official term for "main key", "primary key" or "feature tag". (I think "primary key/tag" is the most popular one)

C) We should document what we mean by this.


Open questions:
Q1) Which term should we choose as official term? ("main key"/"primary key"/"feature tag")

Not "feature tag"! ... I have no preference for either of the others, which ever is most understandable/easy to translate should be chosen. .

Q2) Should one OSM object hold multiple "primary tags"? (ongoing discussion between Mateusz, Martin, Warin, Marc et al.)

Ha! Too complex!

Desirable to have "one real world feature=one OSM entry"  ... but when a single real world shop occupies all of a real work building ... then we have can have problems!

The building could have a name that is different from the shop, and have a different start date .. If things are simple then things are easy.

May possibly get out of this by using undocumented tags .. the undocumented one being the one the mapper does not want/need rendered..such as



The shop name is more important as the shop is probably what most people want.

No, I don't want to explain that to a novice mapper.

On 03/10/2022 12:16, Marc_marc wrote:
Le 03.10.22 à 10:47, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging a écrit :
there are cases where road is going in stream bed

imho only one main feature/objet : the stream bed
and car use it, a bit like a bicycle uses a road.

but we don't really have a secondary tag to say that
the stream bed is usable by a car... so we end up
describing this secondary use with a 2nd main tag...
this is not perfect

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