Vào lúc 14:51 2022-11-13, Brian M. Sperlongano đã viết:
You're using the wrong metric.  The standard for a proposal, which purports to change tagging standards that affect *the entire community*, should be to advertise it as widely as possible.  With the new forums picking up interest and activity, it is entirely appropriate to say to a proposer "...and please also post a notice on the forum" to ensure maximum visibility and participation.  The new forums are attracting a global audience, rather than the few regional enclaves hosted on the old forums.  And, with the new forum linked to your osm.org <http://osm.org> user account, it's neatly tied into the existing OSM infrastructure and doesn't require special software or accounts to access.

I also appreciate the accommodation in the proposal for people uncomfortable with one platform or another. Asking fellow mappers for help is healthy. In fact, some of the best proposals lately (by the elusive metric of consensus among voters) have been collaborations among multiple mappers. If a mapper needs help to spread the word, they should say so.

I don't view this as a "first step towards moving to the forums" that the proposal author probably does -- I view it as a recognition that the forum has attracted enough interest and maturity in its short existence that it's appropriate to demand to proposal authors that they also make an announcement post there.  Now, over time, if we find that interest has waned in the new forums, or on the flip side, if the forums come to largely supplant the mailing lists, we can easily make the decision later to eliminate the cross-posting requirement and pick a winner if and when this occurs.

And by that point, it won't really be picking a winner; it'll be a recognition that mappers will've voted with their feet.

But before we get that far, I recommend that the proposal's title be adjusted slightly. The current title implies that discussions would start "moving" to the new forums, which implies a loss of activity here. That's no longer on the table, so "Announce proposals to the new forum" would suffice.


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