Le 13.11.22 à 20:40, Cartographer10 via Tagging a écrit :
There are quite some people discouraged by the mailing list requirement

You regularly use this argument but it makes no sense.
So there would be people motivated enough to make a proposal but whose only blocking factor is to post 2 messages (rfc and vote) on the ml. I think your solution is to impose a notification on the shadow forum (which is already allowed and solves nothing) and allow them to ask someone to post the announcement on the mailing list (which they are already allowed to do, no one needs a proposal to post on the list). so how is your proposal going to solve what you present as the main reason?

I have the impression that the unspoken problem is that the forum is little used and that the pro-forum people want to solve this by migrating people from the list to the forum including those who prefer the list, including premarketing since the tests mentioned here show that technically half of the basic requirements for email use don't work (including posting an rfc message with 2 tags for your convenience)

Tagging mailing list

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