What are the constraints on the type of expressions that may be used
with <c:if>?

Assume that $x has the value 1: <c:set var="x" value="1"/>

This evaluates the body:

<c:if test="$x == 1"/>true</c:if>

This does not:

<c:if test="1 == $x"/>true</c:if>

So the test must begin with a variable?

Also, it looks like you can test only *one* variable value.
If I try to compare two values like this:

<c:if test="$var1 == $var2">true</c:if>

Then I get: ReferenceError: "$var2" is not defined.

If I switch the test to $var2 == $var1, then the error message names $var1.
(That is, it names the second variable each time.)

Is there a way to compare two variables directly from JSTL, if <c:if> cannot?
I'm using EA3.

P.S. Most of the /standard-doc/Conditionals_FunctionalDescription_1_EA1.html
page uses JSTL core tags in the examples with no c: tag prefix (e.g., <when>
rather than <c:when>).

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