On Wed, 20 Mar 2002, John Baker wrote:

> When ${x} is passed to a tag, does the tag figure out what it means or
> does the variable get decoded and passed to the tag?

In JSP 1.2, the tag handler interprets it itself.  The expectation is that
under JSP 1.3, the container will do so.

> If so, I'm sadly beginning to conclude that there seems no easy method
> of mixing JSTL and your own tags (that provide links into a 200,000
> line application 'under the hood'). It's very frustrating ;-)

You can just ensure your tags accept scoped variables, or call the JSTL
expression language manually from your tags.

Shawn Bayern
Author, "JSP Standard Tag Library"  http://www.jstlbook.com
(coming this summer from Manning Publications)

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