On Mon, 8 Apr 2002, Steve Morrison wrote:

> I noticed that <c:param>'s in a <c:url> are added backwards.
> So if I have:
> <c:url var="my_url" value="http://example.com/script.jsp";>
>   <c:param name="A">1</c:param>
>   <c:param name="B">2</c:param>
>   <c:param name="C">3</c:param>
> </c:url>
> It produces:
> http://example.com/script.jsp?C=3&amp;B=2&amp;A=1
> This isn't so good because I have an app that expects things 
> a certain way.

Actually, Steve - Hans Bergsten, another active member of the JSTL expert
group, convinced me that I was incorrect here.  I had misinterpreted the
Servlet spec, and the JSTL RI was based on this misinterpretation.  The
behavior is now fixed; in tonight's nightly build, <c:param> tags will add
parameters in sequential order.  Note that if the URL itself contains a
query string, the <c:param> parameters will be "spliced" in BEFORE, not
AFTER it.  This *is* required to match the behavior described in the
Servlet spec that <jsp:include> inherits.

Shawn Bayern
Author, "JSP Standard Tag Library"  http://www.jstlbook.com
(coming this summer from Manning Publications)

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