On Fri, 1 Nov 2002, Karr, David wrote:

> Why exactly would enabling EL allow you to restructure how your tags
> work?

I don't think it would in this case. I'm not aware of JSTL things that
String taglib could drop, however many other Jakarta Taglibs could
probably drop tags as they're not needed in an environment that has JSTL.

> When you say that some tags or attributes may no longer be necessary, do
> you mean because some JSTL tag might perform that functionality?  In the
> case of the Struts-EL library, I simply chose not to port certain tags
> from Struts to Struts-EL if their functionality was entirely provided by
> a JSTL tag.  It didn't allow me "restructure how tags work".

Yeah. Now that I'm converted to the subclass method, [I think], I was
planning to have tags without attributes simply use the default 1.1 ones.

I already support a 'var' attribute across all tags though, so unless
people wanted to use EL in this, [which I'm sure a handful would want
eventually] it wouldn't hurt.

> I consider the "functionality" of a tag library, and the mechanism it
> uses to evaluate tag attributes, to be independent.
> Adding an EL-ized version of a library doesn't imply any change to the
> base library. Users using the "-rt" library would never notice a
> difference.  However, the people who want to quickly move forward on
> using and experimenting with the JSTL would have another tool they could
> more easily integrate with, without having to wait for a 2.0 release.

That's the aim yeah. 2.0 of String Taglib is meant to be more like:

<str:uppercase> and <str:lowercase> become:

<str:case type="lower">

etc. Basically merging some tags together so that there is less of a lump
to learn and making it more html-like.

> Note that I haven't used the String tag library, nor am I familiar with
> its contents (although I believe you have some substring matching tags,
> which is good).  I'm just looking to promote usage of the JSTL, which
> will be more likely if popular tag libraries that do things the JSTL
> doesn't do can use the same attribute syntax.

That's my thinking. The success of String taglib depends on it being
available in a JSTL-compliant format as currently JSTL doesn't cover
String functionality.


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