On Fri, 1 Nov 2002, Karr, David wrote:

> If there's interest in "EL-izing" certain non-ELed tag libraries,
> without changing the library (so the original library can still work in
> Servlet 2.2 environments), and you don't want to wait for JSP 2.0, you
> might consider using the strategy I used in building the Struts-EL tag
> library.

I was thinking of a strategy that basically did a:  Is this class
[ExpressionEvaluator or whatever it is] in the classpath. If so, then
cache this result statically [in my StringTagSupport] and make sure that
ELizing happens.

Any reason this would fail?

String taglib has a pretty simple design, there's only one actual taglib
class, all the rest just do String transformations and not tag stuff, so
it can be nice and easy to upgrade :)


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