David Wall wrote:

I think you need to indicate in the web.xml that this is a jsp version 2


application, otherwise the container assumes the web application is

written for

an old jsp version where not the container but the taglib does the EL


(you would need the 1.0.5 taglib version for this).

That's no doubt my problem.  What's sort of entries are needed for web.xml
to show it's JSP version 2?  Is this the WEB-INF/web.xml file or tomcat's

This one.

conf/web.xml that needs to be changed?

according to http://cermics.enpc.fr/doc/java/j2eetutorial-1.4/doc/WebApp4.html

Since the deployment descriptor is an XML document, it requires a prolog. The prolog of the version 2.4 Web application deployment descriptor is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app version="2.4"

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