I believe you can only use JSTL 1.1 if you're using Servlet Spec 2.4 (like 
Tomcat 5) or something like that.
 ~ T r o y ~

 On 9/7/05, Woodchuck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> hihi all,
> in the Struts (1.2.7) distribution it includes what i thought was
> everything you would need to use JSTL. namely, the standard.jar and
> jstl.jar (found under the struts/contrib/struts-el/lib folder).
> however, these jars are missing functions.tld file.
> then i discovered that the Jakarta Standard 1.1 Taglib distribution
> also comes with it's own versions of standard.jar and jstl.jar, and it
> has a fn.tld which contains the JSTL functions i want to use.
> also, i noticed the Struts JSTL tlds have URIs like this:
> <uri>http://java.sun.com/jstl/core</uri>
> while the Jakarta Standard 1.1 Taglib JSTL have slightly different URIs
> like this:
> <uri>http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core</uri>
> which is the 'official' version we should be using? why are there such
> differences between these versions?
> woodchuck
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