Hello Kazuaki,

I can't speak to Tomcat 5, that's been years. However, the code you're
using is not passing an integer. If you take a look at the generated
Java source (which is a mess with taglibs) you may see why. Once more,
a quick google suggests some solutions, in particular, the trivial
one: <sql:param value="${1}"/>

Three things:
 * Looking at the source for the version of sql:param might be
instructive in telling you what it's doing, how it's thinking about
taking what is passed.
 * fmt:parseNumber isn't something I've ever used, since I prepare my
data elsewhere before ever getting to a JSP, but it might answer your
question as stated (though I think not what you were looking for).
 * The change between Java versions, if exactly so, is a bit
bothersome. I'm unsure why it changed or the motivation for such a
change. It felt like Java (and in particular JSP and many standard
taglibs) were heading towards sensible intuition of intent, but
they've clearly veered back towards the explicit expression of intent,
which can seem bulky (I've noted it elsewhere as well). Maybe there
are ways to make it nicer, but I've been having to change my coding
style so it would bug me less (arguably following better practices).

On Mon, Aug 19, 2019 at 1:17 AM Kazuaki Miyauchi <miyau...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  To simple following table.
> create table test (member_id int, member_name text);
>  In JSP, I accessed as following.
> <sql:update var="stmt" dataSource="${kome}">
>  insert into test values(?,?)
>  <sql:param value="1"/>
>  <sql:param value="Miyauchi"/>
> </sql:update>
>  I've gotten following error.(using Tomcat-9.0.22 and Postgres-11.5)
> javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: insert into test values(?,?) : ERROR:
> column "member_id" is of type integer but expression is of type
> character varying Hint: You will need to rewrite or cast the
> expression. Position: 27
>  This JSP works under Tomcat-5.5.3 and Postgres-9.0.8.
> And, I've gotten the same result using following JSP.
> <sql:update var="stmt" dataSource="${kome}">
>  insert into test values(?,?)
>  <sql:param>1</sql:param>
>  <sql:param value="Miyauchi"/>
> </sql:update>
>  How to cast String to int?
> Of course, following JSP works correctly.
> <sql:update var="stmt" dataSource="${kome}">
>  insert into test values(1,?)
>  <sql:param value="Miyauchi"/>
> </sql:update>
> Regards,                       Kazuaki Miyauchi, Japan
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Stuart Thiel, P. Eng.

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