> On 04/04/2017 11:49 AM, anonym wrote:
>>> So at the moment, I'm still in this situation where build fails, and I
>>> retry and retry until at some point it succeeds. I didn't have much time
>>> to work on that yet. I'll come back to you when I workaround this issue,
>>> one way or another.
>> A simple workaround for when you have cached everything needed for the build 
>> (i.e. after your have successfully built *once*) is to add "offline" to the 
>> TAILS_BUILD_OPTIONS environment variable. Of course, getting to the point 
>> when you have everything cached will be painful, but at least you will be 
>> able to rebuild as much as you like without risk of network issues.
> Good idea, didn't try this option yet. I guess that it will avoid any
> `apt` request, however what about the Tor download that is done with
> `wget` ? This is not cached I think, and it's quite a long download, one
> that fails

I don't know what you mean with "Tor download" -- the build system itself 
doesn't run or use tor.

Any way, the "offline" option is supposed to enable a true offline building 
mode, and if a build fails due to lack of Internet access, that is a bug. It 
relies on all interactions with the Internet being done with applications that 
respect the http_proxy environment variable (which points to apt-cacher-ng, 
which is configured to allow downloading and caching more than just .deb:s). 
Specifically, `wget` respects http_proxy, and apparently so do all the various 
mechanisms used to fetch firmwares and other files in the post-install scripts 
of all .deb:s Tails uses.

>> Here's a crazier idea to explore:
>> * run apt-cacher-ng on the host (base your configuration on 
>> vagrant/provision/assets/acng.conf)
>> * add "extproxy" to TAILS_BUILD_OPTIONS
>> * set the http_proxy environment variable to point to the host's 
>> apt-cacher-ng instance
>> * the "offline" option doesn't work with external proxies, but you can set 
>> Offline mode in apt-cacher-ng's configuration instead
>> * sadly apt-cacher-ng lacks an option for retrying failed downloads, but if 
>> you can find any other HTTP proxy that can, set that up as well and then 
>> configure apt-cacher-ng to use it as a parent proxy itself (see the `Proxy` 
>> option).
> One the same line: did you guys consider having apt-cacher in another VM
> ? As a beginner, I'm still at the point where I modify the VM here and
> there, and at some point I'm not sure anymore what I modified, and in
> the end destroy the VM to start again from scratch. In these situations,
> having another VM for apt-cacher would be a real delight.
>> Happy hacking! Let us know if you find out something about the last point 
>> (parent proxy that retries). If it improves your situation without using 
>> much resources we probably want to add it to the VM's default apt-cacher-ng 
>> setup.
> Yep I'll tell you as soon as something interesting happens on my side ;)

If you know C, perhaps you'd want to look into implementing (optional) download 
retrying in apt-cacher-ng? That would, of course, be the best solution.


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