
On 01/25/2018 02:02 PM, tails-account...@boum.org wrote:
> Hi!
> as said in
> https://mailman.boum.org/pipermail/tails-project/2017-November/001004.html:
>> You will have to send a report about the event to the relevant mailing
>> list. Most of the time <tails-project@boum.org> is the best place to
>> report to, but you may also have additional bits to report privately,
>> for example to the Fundraising team if you found funding leads.
> Please do so. It doesn't have to be super long. I thik you'll save
> time+energy if you start from the list of objectives for the event
> that you had included in your sponsorship request :)
> Cheers,

- List of objectives for the event:

==> Meet the relevant people in the project to organize and plan for
further developments

Details: I have talked with anonym and segfault about the tails
installer and the random seed problem in tails.

==> Advise potential newcomers
    Give support to people interested in the project
    Give a face to people I don't know yet from the project

Details: I have talked to random people that have shown different levels
of interests in the project.


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