John Smith wrote:
> Forgot to ask, is there any more situations that isn't validly shown up as a 
> warning/error but should be, or errors that shouldn't be that are shown up?

The ABS boundary data import throws up a LOT of warnings and information 
notes in JOSM validator. Some might simply ignore the errors! Others 
might do some 'interesting' adjustments in an effort to clear the errors.

Some of the Validation errors warn that keys are not part of the 
presets. That seems simple enough, add those keys to the presets.

Others are more complicated to address, such as "way end node near other 
way" warnings.

These types of warnings will continue until a recommended approach is 
developed to properly incorporate nodes of the boundary ways that 
coincide with other ways existing in the data at the same location 
(streets, streams, etc). Making changes to boundary data may also have 
implications for updating that data in the future.

Perhaps, for the moment, the best approach is to remove any boundary 
related warnings from showing in JOSM validator until a solution that 
has been properly considered and that can be managed by JOSM users of 
all skill levels can be developed. (I hate to think how some users might 
be adjusting the data at the moment to clear the errors they are being 


Rick :)

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