--- On Sun, 5/7/09, Rick Peterson <ausr...@iinet.net.au> wrote:

> The 'postal_code' key also makes an appearance nearby in
> the next table 
> down.

Yea I noticed that after and since it was listed decided to add it to the 
ignore cfg file I was building, which has been incorporated into SVN, not sure 
on time frames of when the next update will be produced or if it is 

> Given the response from JOSM developers to comments in your
> ticket about 
> removing unnamed roundabouts from the validator warnings,
> I'm starting 
> to think that an Australian config file is going to be the
> solution, 
> addressing the differences in editing styles and key usage
> here as 
> opposed to Germany where the program seems to be largely
> developed.

Yes, there seems to be a couple of cultural/language/country differences I'm 
haggling over in the bug list that may need some extra input from others, such 
as naming junction=roundabouts.


I suspect this issue is going to be split, either based on cultural influences 
or something as different countries have opted for different things.

I'm not sure what the best way to handle it, grouping config options by rough 
geo-cords might be a solution.


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