On Thursday 06 Aug 2009 09:21:59 John Smith wrote:
> --- On Thu, 6/8/09, Evan Sebire <e...@sebire.org> wrote:
> > I'm just still not sure if we should categorise paths so
> > they display
> > correctly with the current limitations of a rendering
> > algorithm.
> What limitation? :)
> We're currently in the process of defining how things render how we choose,
> we just need to be able to describe it in terms mapnik understands though.

A complicated solution would be to have user options similar to non-web 
applications.  Tick-box to emphasise paths that have bicycle = yes tag. The 
current cycle map is good but tick-boxes for other properties such as fuel, 
bbq, motel etc.  The rendering is good but the user preferences are limited.

I think a lot of data is entered and tagged a specific way so it displays on 
the main map the way an individual would like to see.  I recently came across 
a series of rural roads that were labelled as cycleways because they are part 
of a cycle tour. (Switzerland)
Probably the best solution for now it to have a separate domain for each kind 
of map and focus on getting the data correctly entered and let Marble worry 
about user tick-boxes. http://edu.kde.org/marble

just some random thoughts.  I think the quality of the data is generally 
excellent, and just like wikipedia there will be users who don't think things 
through and enter something as they initially think.  I'm guilty of this as-

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