On 19/06/2010 10:20 PM, John Smith wrote:
> A little birdy tells me that they think the GA data may suffer similar
> problems to the SRTM data, in any case will have to look into the
> licensing, it may not be favourable even if the data isn't being
> uploaded to OSM.

Basically the only options for Australia for DEM data appear to be the 
SRTM and GA ones.

The best work on the SRTM data is probably by Sean Williams (Dooghan) on 
gpsaustralia.net. He has created Garmin IMG files with 5m contours, 
though with 90m data, 5m is pretty optimistic. Looks nice though.

GA data does have a ? over the licensing. The GA site is licensed using 
the cc-by licence, but the data appears to be specifically licensed 
under different terms. That said, it's not really clear exactly what is 
allowed. There are comments like "Furthermore, there are no restrictions 
on commercial value-adding or on-selling for those spatial datasets 
listed on the Schedule" on the site. But also the "Standard Licence" has 
phrases like "OSDM may, at any time, terminate the Licence, with 
immediate effect by giving 90 days notice to the other party".

I thought I noticed a while back that Nearmap was planning on doing some 
stuff in the DEM space, so maybe they'll have something down the track? 
Can only hope...

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