On 16 September 2010 08:38, Richard Weait <rich...@weait.com> wrote:
> Sure.  Aren't there AU gov't sources that would be nice to have
> permission to use?

You keep seeming trying to divert attention from the major issue, the
CTs won't allow anything other than PD data, almost no AU govt will
accept anything less than guaranteed attribution, the 2 goals are
completely in conflict.

> This bogeyman again?  Which commercial entities?  What agenda?  Moving

Waze for one, and that is record in public mailing list archives...

The agenda, make it easier to mix their own data with OSM data without
being required to share back...

> to and Open Data License from an Open Creative Content License is the
> right thing to do for an Open Data Project.  Using CT to make adapting
> to the future easier for the future OSM community is the right thing
> to do for our future selves.

To bad the right thing to do by contributors is never given a second
glance, too bad that what contributors really want is never properly

I want to be able to make the best maps possible, but this short
sightedness will bind my hands so that we're left with a second rate
map just so end users get all the benefits... So we'll go from having
one of the best maps of metro and some rural parts of Australia to
having a 2nd or 3rd rate map at best... Yes, too bad...

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