Hi all

As promised, with apologies for the delay, here is the statement from
NearMap regarding submission of derived works of our PhotoMaps to OSM.


Nearmap.com wishes to clarify the extent to which OpenStreetMap  (OSM) may
use additions or edits to its street maps which are derived from nearmap.com’s

All such additions or edits submitted to OSM prior to 17 June 2011 may be
held and continue to be used by OSM under the terms in place between OSM and
the individual which submitted the addition or edit at the relevant time.

>From 18 June 2011, OSM may not accept or use any additions or edits to its
streetmaps or any other data which is derived from nearmap.com PhotoMaps.
 If any data derived from nearmap.com PhotoMaps is provided to OSM after
that date, it must be deleted from OSM’s database immediately.

For clarity; the second paragraph allows edits submitted before the 17th of
June 2011 under CC-BY-SA (i.e., by someone who hadn't accepted the new CTs
at the time of submission) *or* ODbL/whatever (by someone who had accepted
the CTs at the time of submission) to stay in the database. For the
Australian mappers in particular, this means that there need be no mass
deletion of existing data based on tracing from nearmap.com PhotoMaps.  It
also means that nearmap.com PhotoMaps can't be used after the 17th of June
as a basis for tracing data to submit to OSM.

Again, I'd like to clarify that nearmap.com *have not changed anything in
our licensing terms*.  This is not us withdrawing our support.  The OSMF are
making a change to the contributor terms which makes them incompatible with
the requirement, under our community licence, that derived works be
distributed only under CC-BY-SA.  We are not able to change our licence to
allow distribution of derived works under unspecified future licences.



*Ben Last*

*Development Manager, HyperWeb*
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