On Tue, 2013-04-23 at 19:27 +1030, Brett Russell wrote:
> Ok looks like I need to transition to JOSM.  Err, how do you even move
> around it?  

a quick paste from my notes, I refer back to them every time I have been
away from JOSM for awhile. Thats a sure sign of a bad user interface !

Zoom using the mouse scrollwheel. Alternatively use the zoom bar at the
top-left or press ctrl+',' and ctrl+'.' 
Zoom using slider topleft screen.
Pan using right mouse button and drag.

Very hard to use if you don't have a scrollwheel, on a laptop etc. You
can do a two finger thing on the touch pad but almost anything is likely
to happen when you do. And panning using the right mouse instead of the
left is just crazy. But apart from that, it does work well, very little
load on the network and quite robust. Certainly a better level of
control than the alternative.

Get used to the context sensitive way button bars appear (and disappear)
depending on what is selected on the right hand side, it does make sense
but a bit confronting initially.

Try switching the view to one of the alternatives, a different colour
scheme can make editing a bit easier too.


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