On 07/12/13 17:34, Will Rouesnel wrote:
Ok this is what I got from a brief walk around the neighborhood with
OSMPad on my phone:


Looks pretty good.

I'd add

addr:suburb=Balmoral or where ever

I also always add:

addr:state=NSW or where ever


The addresses line up to the post-box / domestic entrances where
possible - my motivation here is to get places I travel to give
accurate GPS coordinates from things like OSMAnd.

The biggest problem at the moment seems to be the Bing imagery has a
couple meter shift in this area, so things line up but the roads are
offset a bit - I can't decide whether to recenter my points around the
roads or not, since presumably if it's ever correct a big shift would
then line everything up nicely.

On Sat 07 Dec 2013 15:29:54 EST, Ross Scanlon wrote:
But where should the node go? Referring to here
it seems like the address node should be inside an area assocated
the object it assigns an address to, but in the case of parcels of
land/buildings this wouldn't be the case

At the entrance to the property where known.  This would be just
inside the boundary so matches what is above and the above is only a
proposed feature.

Try adding some addresses then link to them to show what you've done.
Mind you there'll still be six different responses.


On 07/12/13 13:32, Will Rouesnel wrote:
I'm still a little confused about the separate node model (which seems
to make more sense to me, in so far as it resolves better for dealing
with some large areas like farms).

i.e. my house's address node should logically be at the entrance where
you can enter it, but that's outside a building and if I don't map land
parcels is outside an area).

I'm thinking just don't worry about it I guess - i.e. presumably at some
point someone will get all the zoning from the local council and somehow
upload that, at which point the address assignments would make sense
provided I stuck address points at all the entrances?

On 05/12/13 21:07, Ross Scanlon wrote:
I'd suggest you read these wiki pages:



My personal opinion is that the address should be on a separate node
at the entrance to the property. This is preferred for disability
access programs.

It also takes into consideration that the address is unlikely to
change but the building or landuse may.


On 05/12/13 19:34, Will Rouesnel wrote:
A simple example starting with my own house - how should residential
buildings be tagged?

The block they sit on is more of a land use concern, but the specific
buildings don't occupy the entire block - and seem like they should be
tagged "house".

Is this a correct way to go about things? The goal here would be to
my local area updated with street numbers so generated addresses can
provide navigation to specific locations.

Would it be correct to trace the outline of the blocks, and label them
with the address and tag the land as "residential" use? Would this be
likely to accomplish the overall goal (provide street numbers for my

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