
I am new to Open Street Maps, so I apologise if I miss something obvious.

I am working with the developers of an app for vision impaired users that helps 
then navigate unfamiliar locations, and we are trying to help them navigate 
train stations in Australia, and I am specifically looking at Central Statin in 

>From my reading of the Tag:railway=station notes here 
>(https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:railway%3Dstation), it appears that a 
>station area should include the whole area of the station. At Central station, 
>this is not the case, and the platform rooves have been added as standalone 
>features, with no association with the Central Station. This has resulted in 
>the app calling these out as additional features in the area, which confuses 
>our users, as they are not separate features.

I initially tagged each roof with the Name of Central station, but it was 
pointed out to me that this is probably incorrect, and I am happy to remove 
those names. However, I would like to propose changing the shape of the feature 
with tag:railway=station to include the area that has the platform rooves too. 
The features that are the rooves would still be there as individual features.

Can anyone tell me if this is a good idea, or something I shouldn’t do?

Thomas Manson

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