You're right railway=station per the wiki

Railway stations are mapped as an area covering the whole station (tracks,
> buildings, platforms, etc.) or a node at the center of the station from
> passengers' point of view. This is usually an unconnected node at the
> platform area. This node does not have to be part of a railway track.
> If you want to map the station as an area, please consider that different
> people describe the station area differently. While passengers only have
> the area around the station building and the platforms in mind, railway
> staff and railway enthusiasts think of the whole railway area which begins
> at the entry signal at one side and ends at the entry signals at the other
> side.

So should be railway=station in
my opinion, that would cover the whole area and encompass all the
platforms, buildings, roofs, and tracks which are part of Central Station.

I agree the building roof's shouldn't have the name Central Station, it
should come from the railway=station areas which encompasses them.

That would involve moving all the station tags off and onto the current landuse way.

On Thu, 14 Mar 2019 at 08:31, Thomas Manson <>

> Hi,
> I am new to Open Street Maps, so I apologise if I miss something obvious.
> I am working with the developers of an app for vision impaired users that
> helps then navigate unfamiliar locations, and we are trying to help them
> navigate train stations in Australia, and I am specifically looking at
> Central Statin in Sydney.
> From my reading of the Tag:railway=station notes here (
>, it appears
> that a station area should include the whole area of the station. At
> Central station, this is not the case, and the platform rooves have been
> added as standalone features, with no association with the Central Station.
> This has resulted in the app calling these out as additional features in
> the area, which confuses our users, as they are not separate features.
> I initially tagged each roof with the Name of Central station, but it was
> pointed out to me that this is probably incorrect, and I am happy to remove
> those names. However, I would like to propose changing the shape of the
> feature with tag:railway=station to include the area that has the platform
> rooves too. The features that are the rooves would still be there as
> individual features.
> Can anyone tell me if this is a good idea, or something I shouldn’t do?
> Regards,
> Thomas Manson
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