So, a thought: We have at least a couple of OSM mappers at my workplace.

I may be able to organise an evening with tables & wifi. (No promises on

My office is in Sydney CBD in George St. (Close to Wynyard and Martin Place

If people are interested I can investigate further.

 - Ben Kelley.

On Fri, 15 Mar 2019 at 16:58, Andrew Harvey <>

> I'm interested in a local OSM I meetup, I wanted to organise one last
> year, but finding a venue provide too hard, so count me in if anyone want's
> to organise one. Could just be an informal meet pub meetup. Personally I'm
> more interested in something around local OSM.
> On Fri, 15 Mar 2019 at 16:07, Seb Mapping <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I would also be interested in a Meetup.
>> During the week after 19:00/19:30 or Saturday.
>> What is a suitable location? Ideally it would be close to public
>> transport (and on the northern beaches :-D )
>> Regards Sebastian
>> On 15 March 2019 12:31:21 pm AEDT, David Wales <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Dion,
>>> I would be happy to meet up for an afternoon of mapping.
>>> Saturdays are usually best for me.
>>> Regards,
>>> David Wales
>>> On 15/3/19 11:26 am, Dion Moult wrote:
>>>> Thanks for all the responses!
>>>> Interested people in joining:
>>>> - Dion Moult (myself)
>>>> - David Anderson (coworker at HDR)
>>>> - David Wales
>>>> - Sebastian
>>>> Currently Ritva is helping contact EWB to see if they are interested in
>>>> running one in Sydney (as Engineers Without Borders is helping run one
>>>> in Brisbane)
>>>> We are in need of an experienced mapper who can guide us in cases of
>>>> uncertainty :)
>>>> I wonder, if prior to a larger event we are keen to simply just meet up
>>>> casually for a weekend afternoon somewhere in Sydney and do some mapping
>>>> together to see how we fare? If things work out well that might give us
>>>> a bit of confidence to grow the group and do it a bit more regularly :)
>>>> Sent from ProtonMail mobile
>>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>>> On 11 Mar. 2019, 5:08 pm, Sebastian <> wrote:
>>>>     Hello Dion,
>>>>     Hello all,
>>>>     I am also interested in a mapathon as well as connecting with other
>>>>     mappers on the Northern Beaches.
>>>>     With regards to experience I am not sure where I should place myself.
>>>>     Have mapped a few things but I'm learning something new most days.
>>>>     Regards,
>>>>     Sebastian
>>>> ------------------------------

Ben Kelley
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